Sunday, September 4, 2011

របៀបប្រើប្រាស់ តារាង

Creating a simple Table
       <Table>:Defines a table
       <TR>:Defines the beginning of a row(TR: Table Row).
       <TD> or <TH>:Defines a cell within a row(TD: Table Data, TH: Table Head).
Example(Simple Table)
<title>UNIVERSITY OF BATTAMBANG</title></head>

Attribute Align
<Table Align=[left, right, center]>
Example (Align)
<Table Align=center>

Attribute Border and Bordercolor
<Table border=n bordercolor=“colorname or colorcode> 
<title>UNIVERSITY OF BATTAMBANG</title></head>
<Table border=1>

<title>UNIVERSITY OF BATTAMBANG</title></head>
<Table border=1 bordercolor="blue">

Attribute bordercolorlight
<title>UNIVERSITY OF BATTAMBANG</title></head>
<Table border=1 bordercolor="blue" bordercolorlight="00ff00">

Setting the Table Width
<Table Border=1 Width=[N,N%]>
Example(Table width)
<title>UNIVERSITY OF BTTAMBANG</title></head>
<Table border=1 width=100%>

The Frame Attribute

Table Frame=[void, above, below, hsides, vsides, lhs, rhs, box]>
       Void: for no external borders
       Above: for a single border on top
       Below: for a single border on bottom
       Hsides: for a border on both the top and bottom sides
       Vsides: for a border on both right and left
       rhs: for a single border on the right side
       lhs: for a single border on the left side
       box or border: for a border on all sides (default)
Example(Table Frame)
<head><title>UNIVERSITY OF BATTAMBANG</title></head>
<Table border=2 width=100% frame=void>
                                <Tr><td width=40%>One<td width=45%>Two<td>Three

The cellpadding and cellspacing Attribure

<Table cellspacing=x Cellpadding=y>

<title>UNIVERSITY OF BATTAMBANG</title></head>
<Table Align=center border=1 cellspacing=5  >


<title>UNIVERSITY OF BATTAMBANG</title></head>
<Table Align=center border=1 cellspacing=5 cellpadding=20 >

II. Setting the Width for Individual Cell

<TD Width=[N,N%]>
Example(Using TD Width)

<title>UNIVERSITY OF BATTAMBANG</title></head>
<Table border=2 width=100%>
                                <Tr><td width=40%>One<td width=45%>Two<td>Three